The web's most comprehensive site for the Lost World of the Gran Sabana, Roraima, Canaima National Park and Angel Falls

Canaima Park

Angel Falls
Map 1
Map 2

El Pauji

Further information
Travel book
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Find out more about the ascent of these two amazing mountains

kama meru

Kama Meru is one of the easiest and most impressive waterfalls to get to in the Park. It's just a short walk from the road and is about 60 metres high.

Its name derives from the Pemon word kamak which means to grab. A story tells of how a young boy playing near the falls was abducted by the water spirit Rato to his underwater hideout. The boy was only saved by an old woman who used the weed barbasco which poisons water.

There are now two different lodges to stay in nearby, and one decent restaurant. You can ask buses along the main road to drop you off at the falls, or you can hitch from Santa Elena.


Guardaparque (Park Warden) Bienvenido at the falls

:: the lost world :: Venezuela's Gran Sabana


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